
A & AS Exam Results Day 2017

Many congratulations to all our sixth form students who received their A and AS results on Thursday 17th  August.

100%  Overall % pass rate (better than 2016, & 2015)

51% of the A Level grades were A*, A or B      (better than 2016, 2015)

8 pupils achieved at least 3 grade A passes or better. (see below)

Mr Karl Newell, Headteacher of Crompton House, made the following comments, “Over the past two years our A Level students have grown in confidence as they have progressed academically, socially and as leaders within the school and they can now look forward to a bright future at university and beyond.

Their excellent results confirm our continued aim to improve year on year. Our students have worked really hard and the excellent commitment of the Crompton House students, staff and parents has been reflected in the grades.”

Our highest A Level attainers with AAA or better (in alphabetical order) were: William Bean, Adam Chester, Joseph Dyson, Rebecca Dyson, Christopher Longley,  Eleanor Makinson, Rhiannon Ogden-Jones and Matthew Thompson.

Courses about to be  studied include: Maths, Medicine, Law, Chemistry, Accounting & Finance, English Literature, Aerospace Engineering, Geography, Pharmacy, Economics, Animatronics, Civil Engineering, Sociology, Sports Science, Medical Sciences, Music, Nursing, Primary Education, Speech Therapy, History, Criminology, Psychology and Engineering Mathematics

Their destinations included: Bath, Bristol, Chester, Durham, Huddersfield, Oxford, Lancaster, Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester, Newcastle, Sheffield and York,

Eight of our Year 13 students achieved Grade As in the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) which included Freya Upton’s project based on her “Viking Challenge”. Freya designed and produced a series of Scout activities which are freely available on the internet. She also designed and sold a badge for Scout groups who complete the challenge. So far she has sold over 1,000 badges to Scout and Guide groups all over the UK to help fund her participation in the 15th World Scout Moot in Iceland in July 2017.

To achieve the Extended Project Qualification, which carries UCAS points of half an A Level, Freya had to produce a production log, written report, supplementary evidence and a presentation. Other students researched and produced extended essays on a variety of topics relevant to their studies or interests.

More details of the EPQ can be found on the internet including this UCAS website:


At AS Level special congratulations to our highest achievers: Rachel Milligan, Kate Mawdsley Joshua Povey, David Jinks, Josh Macdonald and Stephen Oldfield,.  They all achieved 4 Grade As or better.

Rachel Milligan also achieved 5 Grade As and an A* in the EPQ (Extended Project Qualification).

Mr Newell said “Our AS results are very impressive and the students and staff have worked very hard to achieve them. They confirm that our students are well on course for excellent A Level results next year.”

Our photos show:

-Some of our high attaining Year 13 students jumping for joy with headteacher Mr Newell.

-Rhiannon Ogden-Jones being interviewed about her place at Corpus College, Oxford to read Law.

-Twins Joseph and Rebecca Dyson who are going to Lancaster University to read Accounting and English Literature, respectively.

-Eleanor Makinson who is off to Durham University to read Chemistry.

-Some of our Year 12 students enrolling for Year 13 having collected their AS results.

Many congratulations to all our Year 12 and Year 13 students, and many thanks to all the teachers and support staff who have worked tirelessly with the students to help them achieve these excellent results. The continued support of parents has been invaluable to ensure the success of the students.

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