

The Media Studies department at Crompton House intends to help all students progress in the acquisition of key knowledge, related to the four pillars of Media, Media Language, Media Institutions, Audiences and Representation. We also give all students access to a wide range of multi-media texts in order to develop their understanding of the key concepts in Media. We aim to develop students’ cultural capital and empathy to allow them to be ‘future ready’, to find fulfilling employment and contribute positively to society. We aim to foster a love of the Media and train the students to become an active audience and critique the world around them.

Through carefully sequenced long and medium term schemes of work, we teach all students the key skills and knowledge necessary to, firstly, succeed academically, but, perhaps more importantly, thrive in a media-dominated society. These schemes of work also outline how learners’ understanding will be checked, how misconceptions will be addressed and how teaching sequences can be adapted as and when necessary. Retrieval practice is embedded throughout lesson sequences and shows how content is revisited to ensure it is remembered. All Media Studies lessons are taught by subject enthusiasts who engage with past and current Media products to strengthen their understanding of the subject.

Impact is measured through a range of formative and summative assessments, as well as regular marking and feedback, inclusive of verbal feedback throughout lesson sequences. Support will be put in to place when teachers judge that students are not fulfilling their potential. Our aim is to ensure all students perform to the best of their ability and are ready for the next stage of their education by the end of the relevant key stage.

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