
Crompton House School PTFA

Parents, Teachers and Friends Association

Welcome to Crompton House School from the Parents, Teachers and Friends Association. Our aims are to provide a means of exchanging views and information concerning your child’s education and to raise funds for the school to enhance the service the school can provide. We aim to raise over £15,000 a year through a variety of events. These include the 500 Club lottery, the Christmas Fair, our annual Spring Ball at the White Hart in Lydgate and a very successful plant sale at the start of the Summer term.

The PTFA is a group of Parents, Teachers and Friends of Crompton House, who meet regularly and work together for the benefit of the school. You don’t have to have a child currently in school to take part, all friends are welcome.  Our group of volunteers includes past students, new parents and old parents, grandparents, existing and former staff.

The PTFA organises activities and events providing a vital source of fundraising revenue for the school, helping to  improve the quality of education for your children and their peers.

Joining is easy! Parents are automatically members and can attend monthly meetings and vote at the AGM where officers are elected during the first meeting of the autumn term. Simply complete the membership form and return it to the school office in person or email it to info@cromptonhouse.org. We will then be in touch. Membership forms are included in our new parent welcome pack or can be downloaded from the link below.  We ask for a small one off membership fee of £2 towards our funds which should be included with your form.

Meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday every month of the academic school year and tend to be a mixture of formal procedure and informal discussion.  The meetings normally start at 7.00pm and last for about an hour. Meetings take place in the Sixth Form Centre at the school. Members of the Governing body and Senior Leadership Team of the School attend the meetings so this is a really good way of meeting and chatting on an informal basis.

Research suggests that taking an active role in your child’s school is vital to their success and joining the PTFA is one way you can help to do this. The PTFA could be one of the simplest ways to help make an essential contribution to the pupils at our school.  Here are just some of the reasons why joining the PTFA will benefit the school and can greatly enhance your child’s educational experience. 

It’s good for your child. – Research shows that children whose parents are actively involved in their school often make better progress and are less likely to have disciplinary incidents at school. 

It’s important to the school. – In the current economic climate and time of government cuts in public funding the PTFA is a vital source of fundraising revenue. Like many schools, Crompton House relies more and more on parental support to provide the funds for the things that our ever decreasing school budget can’t cover. The PTFA is responsible for much of the school’s fundraising revenue. 

Stay informed and get connected.Be one of the first to hear about important decisions and school plans.  Members of the Governing body and Senior Leadership Team of the School attend the meetings so it’s a really good way of meeting and chatting on an informal basis. So, there’s no better way to know what’s going on in the school than to be on the PTFA. 

Have a voice Make your opinions count. Joining the PTFA is a great opportunity to share your ideas and help us make a real difference at Crompton House. 

Networking – The PTFA is a great opportunity to meet other parents just like yourself. Become part of a committed group who share a common goal to improving our school for our children. 

Make a difference. –  Members of the PTFA are volunteers giving their time and energy freely.  Joining the PTFA will allow you to use your skills, talents and experience for a very worthy cause – namely creating the best possible learning environment for our children to develop and grow as individuals. 

Have fun. –  Getting together with like-minded parents, staff, and friends.  You will get to be part of the planning and organisation of fun events for the whole family to enjoy. 

Be a positive role model. By taking part in the PTFA you are showing your children that their education is important to you. When they see you take a stand to make education better for them and their peers, the chances are they’ll do the same.

We understand that life can be hectic and appreciate that time is precious, but joining the PTFA needn’t be a demanding task. Anyone can join, you don’t need to sign up for a formal role on the committee to take part – There are lots of small ways you can help and get involved.  So even if you only have a limited amount of time to spare, you can still make a valued contribution. Come along to our next meeting and see for yourself or simply contact us with any fundraising ideas you may have.  We need every parent’s help in making Crompton House the best it can be so we ask you to please support any of our fundraising projects.

We are a thriving PTFA, but this is only because of the efforts of parents.  You can help in a variety of ways – by attending the monthly meetings, assisting at parents evenings and school functions, supporting the draws, fairs and other PTFA events or becoming an officer of the association.

Join us today!

PTFA Membership Form

Club 500 Membership Form

Crompton House Mini Bus

£12,000 towards new Minibus

Picnic Benches

Picnic benches made from recycled plastic

Sports Hall Climbing Wall

£29,000 towards Sports Hall

Food mixer

Catering Equipment

Examples of the contributions the PTFA has made:

  • A state of the art computer that will support the school’s HD technology for the Media Department
  • New tents for the Duke of Edinburgh Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards
  • 2 Industrial dishwashers for the Science Department, a sublimation printer for the DT department
  • Mixers and Whisks for the Food Department; Drinking water fountains for the children
  • Lighting Board for the Drama Department; digital camera and accessories for the Multimedia department
  • Football, Rugby, Badminton kits and accessories forthe PE Department; and much more….
  • Contribution to the Sixth form Centre’s refurbishment, In June 2012 we donated £28,000 towards phase 1 of the project.
  • A quad bike/snow plough for the site team to keep the school safe.
  • Picnic benches so students can enjoy the outdoor space at lunch and break times.
  • £5,000 towards a new Year 11 Common Room; £4,000 towards refurbishment of a science lab

Website Accessibility Statement

Government guidance on public sector website accessibility published by the government in full here states that:
The following organisations are partially exempt from the accessibility regulations:

primary and secondary schools or nurseries – except for the content people need in order to use their services, for example a form that lets you outline school meal preferences.

With this in mind, please email info@cromptonhouse.org if you need any form included on our website which you would like sending to you in a different format.  This is only for content essential for you to be able to use our services.

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