
CHS Celebrate Pride Month

We are flying the rainbow flag throughout June to show solidary with LGBTQ+ communities and celebrate Pride Month together as a school family.

Our Diversity Group led by Miss Hollin, organised a rainbow bake sale and face painting event that raised an incredible £145 for LGBTQ+ charities: The Proud Trust and the Albert Kennedy Trust.

Some students were lucky enough to visit Positive Steps in Oldham to watch ‘Stand Accused’ by Oldham Theatre Workshop; an immersive theatre experience on hate crime and hate speech.

Mrs Cullen in the Library prepared a fantastic collection of LGBTQ+ recommended reads and students and staff have brightened up their blazers and lanyards with Pride pin badges.

In the words of Reverend Katy – “May everyone in our school community know that they are made and loved by God”   

Happy Pride Month!

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