
Crompton House Year 7s’ seal ‘Greater Manchester County Cup’ glory

Crompton House stormed to their first ever Greater Manchester County Cup triumph with a 4-2 win over Audenshaw School in the final.

After a nervy start which saw Crompton House take the lead through a Danny Duru goal, Audenshaw quickly equalised.  Both sides had plenty of possession, with few chances made before Daniel Jones restored CHS’s lead just before half time with an excellent finish from long range.

However, the second half was a different story with Crompton House playing their best football of a long season with a stunning exhibition of counter attacking football which completely overwhelmed their opponents. In a five minute spell which clinched the final, the Crompton House captain and man of the match Bailey Marsden extended his teams lead with an exquisite header, before Harrison Green put the game out of sight with a perfectly timed run and finish from a Patrick Killeen corner.

Crompton House had numerous chances to extend their lead, with some magnificent football but could not finish the applying touches their play deserved. Despite Audenshaw managing a late consolation goal the game was already over and Crompton House sealed their first ever County Cup triumph, leading to unprecedented scenes of celebration from all the players on the pitch at the end.

Team – James Wynne, Connor McAndrew, Liam Heap, Tom Smith, Patrick Killeen, Bailey Marsden, Daniel Jones, Elliot Bailey, Danny Duru, Harrison Green, Aaron Hall, Sam Bridges, Alfie Wood, George Tudor, Harrison Cocker

Round 1 vs Parrswood – 6-5 – Marsden 3, Jones, Tudor, Bailey

Round 2 vs Altrincham Grammar School for Boys – 2-1 – Marsden, Green

Round 3 vs Bury Grammar School for Boys – 4-1 – Marsden 3, Duru

Semi Final vs Fred Longworth High School – 2-1 – Heap, Marsden

Final vs Audenshaw School – 4-2 – Duru, Jones, Marsden, Green

Meet the winning team:

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