
Drama Trip to The Crucible October 2015

On Wednesday 14th October, 52 of our Year 11 and 12 students spent an exciting afternoon and evening at The Royal Exchange Theatre in Manchester. The students watched a powerful performance of Arthur Miller’s challenging (and 3 hour long) tragedy “The Crucible”. The show was technically very impressive and many of the students were “wowed” by the special effects.

In the afternoon, the students were given a fascinating tour of the theatre and discovered amazing facts about the building which was left to rot in the 1960s, before being resurrected as a drama venue by a few students from Manchester University. Miss Thomasson took some snaps of the tour. All the students had the chance to act on the real stage and took part in fun and relevant drama activities designed to give them an insight into the play and its characters. Mrs Sargent certainly threw herself into the exercises and everyone all performed with real enthusiasm and creativity and were commended by the course leaders. It was also great to see so many of our students in Waterstone’s during their break before the big performance. According to  Mrs Bacon (the organiser of the trip), “ the students were a credit to Crompton House”.

The show itself was tense and exciting, but it was a bit of a marathon…the Year 11 boys were certainly “buzzing” at the end of the performance and were hilarious on the coach home re-enacting some of the key scenes. Mr. Smith was in stitches!

The students will now use the experience to write critically as part of their studies – let’s hope they give the show rave reviews!

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