
Excellent Progress in 2015

Screen Shot 2015-09-13 at 17.38.47In addition to the details about our excellent exam results that we reported in August, we now have an update on the progress our pupils made at GCSE and A Level.

At English and Maths our GCSE progress figures, measured from the pupils’ Key Stage 2 SATs results, all showed a significant improvement on our previous year’s figures. In English our progress was the highest for the last three years with all ability groups beating our challenging targets. In Maths the highlight was the improvement in pupils making better than expected progress in all ability groups.

The school has put additional resources into a number of groups of pupils in order to improve their achievement. We are delighted that the gap between Year 11 boys and girls achievement has reduced in all categories. Similarly the progress of our GCSE pupils who are eligible for pupil premium funding has increased in all categories and our Special Needs pupils have been equally successful.

The progress at Sixth Form, measured from the pupils’ average GCSE scores, also continued to be at a high level.

The high levels of progress made by pupils throughout the school and sixth form are due to the high quality of teaching, learning and pastoral support that OSFTED recognised in their inspection in April 2015.

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