
Founders Day Celebrations September 2015

On Friday 25th September Crompton House celebrated the 89th anniversary of the founding of the school.  Mrs Anne Ormerod and Miss Mary Crompton founded the school in 1926, and we celebrate their generous act in a variety of ways.  The whole school attended services in the school hall, this year lead by Rev Richard Hawkins of St John the Baptist, Hey. The prayers in the services were read by pupils and the singing was accompanied by an ensemble of our talented musicians.

Pupils and staff then joined together to take part in the McMillan Coffee Morning before lessons began. This raised £827, a wonderful achievement by all the school.

In the afternoon the Senior Choir travelled to Manchester Cathedral to sing Choral Evensong, lead by Rev Philip Barratt, who is well known in the High Crompton area. The lessons were read by Mr Newell, Headteacher, and Will Wilson of Year 13. The singing by the choir was much appreciated by the congregation which included a number of parents as well as other worshippers who commented on the high quality of the singing by the choir. Many thanks to Mrs Nixon for leading the choir and to ex-pupil and Tom Upton, who came and sang in the bass section.

Founders Day is an important event at the start of the academic year, and we are looking forward next year to a special celebration as every five years the whole school attends a communion service in Manchester Cathedral. Some pupils still have their lapel badge from the 2011 service!


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