
Founders Day Services

Friday 30th September was a very important day in the life of the school this year. Traditionally held on the Friday nearest to 1st October, the services were held at Oldham Parish Church, with grateful thanks to Reverend Derek Palmer, as Manchester Cathedral, our venue for the past few quinquennial services, has work being carried out on the organ.

The communion services were presided over by Bishop Mark Davies, a parent of a former Crompton House pupil. Canon Maurice Smith, Director of Education for the Manchester Diocese, gave the address illustrating foundations and faith thought the game of Jenga. Maurice has been a great friend of the school and only last November presented the prizes at our Speech Day. We were delighted that the Mayor of Oldham Derek Hefferman and his wife Di also attended the morning service.

Deputy Head Mr Holt, who was responsible for the services introduced the worship and the lessons and prayers were read by Headteacher Mr Newell, Deputy Head Mr Upton and Matthew Gibson, Head Boy and Maisie Logan, Head Girl.

The singing was led by the school choir and the anthem Cantate Domino, was sung by the School Chapel Choir.  The hymns and Crown Imperial, by Oldham’s William Walton were played by the school orchestra, conducted by Mrs Nixon, Director of Music, with the piano accompaniments played by Miss Warburton. Many congratulations to James Kelly of Year 12 who played the school hymn on the church organ. Many thanks also to the Brass Ensemble whose music echoed round the church as the pupils arrived. The singing and participation of the pupils at both services was excellent, and the weather was also really good, except for a short shower as the sixth form walked from their coaches to the church.

When not at the church the pupils were involved in a number of activities at school including the MacMillan Coffee Morning, continuing another Founders Day tradition.

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