
Goodbye & Many Thanks

At the end of term the school said a sad goodbye to the staff who are leaving us.. Some of the teachers are retiring, some taking promotion at other schools, and one emigrating to Australia. We also said goodbye to two of our Governors who have both worked very hard for the school. Screen Shot 2015-07-17 at 19.58.17

Mrs Veale, Humanities Curriculum Team Leader, is retiring after teaching at Crompton House for 29 years and 2 terms! Under her leadership the Religious Studies has become one of our most successful subjects in the school. Mrs Veale has had many roles at Crompton House , and she was excellent in all of them!

Miss Bett, up to recently PE & Arts Curriculum Team Leader, is leaving to relocate to South Africa. She has been at CHS for 18 years as Head of Girls PE and over the past 10 years has brought Dance into the curriculum and onto the stage with the very popular Dance Shows. Earlier this year Miss Brentano, who has taught at Crompton House for 40 years, and Mrs Weir retired from the Girls PE Department and between the three of them our girls have been Oldham Champions at Athletics, Cross-Country, Rounders and Netball many times. Twice our girls have been National Rounders Champions, and more recently the girls have twice been National Water Polo Champions.

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Mrs Battersby has been teaching Maths at Crompton House for the past 15 years. She is a much loved teacher and form tutor and she was equally popular with pupils and staff. She is taking up a post at Holy Cross Sixth Form College, where she will be working with Dr Burgess who also teaches there after being Maths Curriculum Team Leader at CHS for nearly 3 years.

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Mrs Stainer of the Technology Department is moving to teach in Shropshire after 14 years at CHS. She is a real green campaigner and has been most instrumental in promoting Roots & Shoots, the United Nations Peace Day and the Bleakholt Animal Sanctuary. She stirred the hearts of many with her strong love of the environment.

After eight years Mr Harkness is moving on to teach Chemistry at Sale Grammar School. A devote Christian, he has influenced many pupils with his love of flamboyant science, and is the Board Games King on Activities Days.

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Mr Bradley will be remembered not only for his high quality Maths teaching, but for the all the time he has put into the Maths Masterclasses, and, of course, the Duke of Edinburgh’s Gold Award. Hundreds of our Sixth Formers are exceedingly grateful to Mr Bradley for his encouragement and care to ensure they all achieved such a highly regarded award. His commitment to the award is huge, and he is already looking at how he can assist in the Gold Award here even though he is taking up a post in the Maths Department at Bolton School.

Mrs Marsden has been teaching Psychology and Sociology for 5 years, and her high level teaching standards were rewarded 3 years ago when she was appointed as a Lead Practitioner to help improve the teaching skills of all Crompton House teachers. She, and her family, are leaving us to emigrate to Australia. She is looking forward to challenge of relocating to the other side of the globe, and much better weather!

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Mrs Jepson-Brown is leaving the Maths Department to take up a past-time post at Ashton Sixth Form College. In her 2 years here she has been involved in the Maths Masterclasses, and D of E practice walks.

A number of teachers have reached the end of their temporary contracts. Dr Bushell is leaving the Science Department to take up a post at Flixton Girls School. She has demonstrated the love of her subject through her teaching to many of our pupils. Mr Fernandez is also leaving the Science Department to teach at Matthew Moss. Mr Beardsley is leaving the Maths Department to take up a post at the New Charter Academy in Tameside. Mrs Greenhalgh will be teaching Geography at North Chadderton School. Miss Perry also leaves us after teaching Girls PE at Crompton House since January of this year.

Also leaving his present role of Teaching Assistant is Mr Goodall, but he is returning to us as a trainee Maths teacher.

We wish all the staff who are leaving the very best in their new ventures. They will all be missed by pupils and staff alike.

Over the past term we have been interviewing some really strong applicants for the posts these teachers have held, and parents will be pleased to know that we will be starting the next academic year with a full compliment of teaching staff.

Also leaving the school are two of our governors Rev Lynne Connolly, Priest in Charge at East Crompton St James, and Ian McAlpine. Rev Connolly has been a very active vicar at the school taking services at school throughout her 5 years as a governor. Ian McApline has been a Trustee of the school for 21 years, and a governor for the past 9 years. Only last year he celebrated 50 years of service to Scouting. Ian, and his wife Shelia, who used to teach Maths at Crompton House is leaving the area to be nearer to their children and grandchildren.

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