
Last week of the Spring Term 2017

The last week of the Spring Term was as busy as ever with a variety of school events. As well as the Duke of Edinburgh presentation evening and the second of two Easter Concerts, both reported elsewhere, there was a variety of traditional end of term activities.

On the Thursday lunchtime the Sixth Form played the staff at football raising awareness and money for Prostate Cancer UK. It was a close match with the skill of the staff overcoming the fitness and pace of the pupils, by a margin of two goals to nil.

The final day of term began with communion services led by Mr Holt and presided by Rev Tim Wickham of St Mary”s, Balderstone. As part of the services prayers were said for the families of Mr Nick Varney and Mr Charles Whitehead, past Crompton House teachers, who both very sadly died in the Spring Term. The music was provided by our Communion Orchestra and Choir a and the services started with the haunting Trilo, a Norwegan fishermans’ wives song.

After break, when the staff said farewell to science teacher Mrs Galloway, who is taking up a teaching post nearer to her home, the Rewards Assemblies took place.  In the Sports Hall,  as well as the many Easter eggs being presented, James Slater had his head shaved to raise funds for Cancer Research UK.  The collection and accompanying cake sale by James’ Year 11 friends raised over £270. This is in addition to the £1,000 James raised from his family and friends outside of school. A fantastic achievement!

At the Sixth Form Rewards Assembly many more Easter eggs were given out, as well as a Amazon Echo to Susie Arrmstrong for gaining the most Vivos in Year 13.  A great end to a very successful term.

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