
Little Shop of Horrors 2016

It was a truly wonderful show for all three nights.  After months of rehearsal involving many evenings after school and two days over half-term the pupils performed brilliantly and  everyone agreed it was one of the best shows ever at Crompton House.  As well as the excellent actors, praise must also go to the musicians, the backstage crew and those at the front of house who all worked so well together. A special bonus was a visit five of the actors from Mrs Bacon’s first CHS production in 2006 at the final performance. The two who played Audrey and Seymour have since married, and there is a report of the 2006 “Little Shop of Horrors” in the gallery, as well as some notes by Mrs Bacon about the actors of 2006  One of the joys of a CHS production is seeing the wide range of ages taking part in the shows, and also pupils new to sixth-form working with  a new group of actors. After the last performance all the pupils showed their appreciation of the hard work and motivation put in by the directors Mrs Bacon and Mrs Hammond, the musical director Mrs Nixon, assisted by by Miss Warburton, and Mrs Harvey who was in charge of the technical side.  Thanks also go to the Applied Art  group, led by Mr Dolan, who designed the posters as part of their GCSE work.  Many thanks also to Mr Philbin, of the Learning Zone, who worked on the sound and took photographs throughout the show.

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