
Music For Youth at Rochdale

Many congratulations to our musicians who gave up their Saturday morning on 19th March to take part in the Music for Youth Regional Festival at Rochdale Town Hall.  In total over 40,000 young people take part in the festival all over the country and the 70 Crompton House pupils performed brilliantly as the adjudications above demonstrate.

Many thanks go to Mrs Nixon, our Director of Music and conductor of the Senior Orchestra, Mr Leedale, who conducted the Senior Wind Band and Brass Band, Mr Meaden, who trained the Brass Band, and music teacher Miss Warburton, who looked after all the groups in the practice room.  Thanks also to the parents who got up early to ensure the pupils arrived on time.

The Crompton House parents in the audience were rightly proud of their musical offspring, they were great ambassadors for the school.


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