Early in July Mick Nield, Team Leader of Oldham Mountain Rescue, presented Crompton House School with a plaque to show the team’s gratitude for the £8,500 the school has donated to OMR over the past 8 years. In return Jim Upton, Senior Deputy Head with overall responsibility for the Duke of Edinburgh Award at Crompton House, presented Mick with a school plaque. The relationship between OMR and the school goes back to an incident 9 years ago when a group of students on a D of E training exercise needed the assistance of mountain rescue. The pupil was taken off the moor and the group continued to their camp site with the help of two members of the team. Since then the school’s October Non-uniform day has always been in aid of Oldham Mountain Rescue. The presentation was made at Castleshaw on the evening of the last D of E Bronze expedition of the year, and was followed by a tour of one of the team’s Land Rover Rescue Vehicles and a demonstration by two of the team’s search and rescue dogs which easily found two of pupils hidden in a field. Mr Upton said “We are very grateful to the work of the volunteers of Oldham Mountain Rescue and our non-uniform days are a great way to help them. It’s good to know that if anything does go wrong on the hills, these people are prepared to come and help. They need everyone’s support.”