
Paul Scholes opens our new 3G pitch

Our pitch opening was a very special day for Crompton House. Over 4 years of fundraising, planning and construction was celebrated on Monday 30th March by the school, local footballers from Heyside Juniors and Angels, local councillors and many associated with the pitch, including ex Head of PE Neil Wheelton. The pitch, named as a tribute to Crompton House Governor Leon Ashton, was opened by Paul Scholes, ex England and Manchester United.  Mr Scholes also started two matches on the pitch and then went into the Sports Hall to answer a series of questions from pupils and staff.  Music was provided by the School Senior Wind Band, conducted by Mr Roger Meaden. The photos on this page show different aspects of the day, which, after a very wet weekend, was sunny until the Q & A session on the Sports Hall when the heavens opened!  Many thanks to Paul Scholes for giving up his time to help us celebrate our wonderful new facility.

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