
Peace Pole – May Peace Prevail On Earth

Visitors to the school will have noticed our Peace Pole situated opposite the main doors to reception. This was provided by the Crompton House PTFA, and is to show the school’s commitment to the Oldham Pledge for Peace. This initiative was introduced to the school by Richard Outram, the secretary of the Oldham Pledge to Peace Forum at a whole school assembly in the summer term. During the assembly Mr Newell and two representatives of the pupils signed the Oldham Pledge to Peace. This led to the unveiling of the Peace Pole on the United Nations International Day of Peace by the Mayor of Oldham, Mr Shabad Qumer. Also attending were Marie Ellis, Chairperson of  Peace Talks Oldham, Richard Outram, School Governors, the Sixth Form Management Team and Form Representatives. At the reception afterwards in the Learning Zone the guests viewed the Playing for Peace exhibition and the school was presented by Marie Ellis with a collection of books and CDs on the theme of peace by Prem Rawat.

The pole is situated at the entrance to the school, the focal point for Crompton House, so that everyone who enters the school will be able to read the message “May Peace Prevail On Earth”. There are 8 languages on the pole in addition to English. These are four of the  languages spoken in Oldham: – Bengali, Hindi, Urdu, Polish, the three languages taught at Crompton House:- French, German and Spanish, and Braille.

The school has one of the tens of thousands of Peace Poles situated in 180 countries across the world. These have been placed in such notable locations as the North Magnetic Pole, the Hiroshima Peace Memorial, the site of the Egyptian Pyramids and the Aiki Shrine in Iwama, Japan. as well as numerous community parks.

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