
PTFA News – April & May 2016

The School’s wish list is as follows:
ptfa logo

A new science laboratory, a laser cutter for the DT department, new chairs for the Year 10 Common Room, new tables for the hall.

500 Club Draw

Congratulations to our April winners:

1st Prize – Lottery number 32 (Staff)

2nd Prize – Lottery number 38 – Julie Hughes (Monica 12KHA)

3rd Prize – Lottery number 8 – Mark Wood (Jordan 12KHA)

Congratulations to our May winners:

1st Prize – Lottery number 422 – Karen Housley (Brandon ORSSC-7)

2nd Prize – Lottery number 384 – Natalie Leach (Roisin CRSMA -7)

3rd Prize – Lottery number 444 – Lorna Freeman (Leah CRPTR-7)

Around 200 letters have been mailed to all the May/June memberships that are due for renewal; if you know you joined in those months and your letter hasn’t arrived, please check with s.lawrence@cromptonhouse.org.

If you know anyone who wishes to join, please download a form on the website from the PTFA page. To see previous winners and all our contributions, go to our 500 Club page.


The PTFA agreed to finance the following:

  • a photobooth at the Year 13 prom this year instead of the table magician (£350)
  • Crompton House School 90th Anniversary badges for all staff, pupils, governors and helpers (£1,427)
  • half of the cost of a Maths Puzzle Day organised by the maths department (£250)

The rest of the meeting was spent finalising plans for the Summer Fête. If you can contribute in any way, please contact j.young@cromptonhouse.org

A great way to keep in touch with what is going on in school is by subscribing to our blogs, all you need to do is to log onto our website, then select News & Events menu where you will be asked to subscribe to the CHS blog via e-mail. You can unsubscribe at any time.

To consult our minutes and Accounts, please go to the website on the PTFA pages.

Please keep supporting all your PTFA events; it makes a huge difference to our children’s learning experience.

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