
PTFA News – December 2015

ptfa logoThe PTFA have been busy this past month, we would like to share with you some of the fundraising activities that have taken place, news about upcoming events and details of some of the contributions we have made to school funds.

500 Club Draw

We would like to congratulation the lucky winners of this month’s the 500 club draw. The cheques are in the post.

1st Prize – Lottery no 421 – £60 Whittaker – also won in August.
2nd Prize – Lottery no 201 – £30 B Eagleton
3rd Prize – Lottery no 289 – £20 V Wild – Also won in October 2012, August 2013 and June 2014.

If you would like to be in with a chance of winning one of our 500 club prizes, why not join in the draw today.   See previous winners and take a look at how the 500 Club benefits the pupils of our school on our PTFA page.  Since January 2015, the PTFA 500 Club have been able to donate £2,800 to the PTFA and that’s only with 331 members. Imagine how much more of a difference we could make to the children if more people joined, plus the prize money would go up!

School Requests

The Multimedia department has asked the PTFA for a new digital camera and accessories to the value of £1,000, which the PTFA has agreed to fund. This new equipment will make a huge difference to the learning experience for our children.

PTFA meeting

Our PTFA meetings are held on the first Tuesday of every month in the Sixth Form Centre starting at 7.30.  At our last meeting we had the opportunity to review our Christmas Fair and make plans for upcoming fundraising events in the new year.

Christmas Fair: We discussed how the Christmas Fair went and how we could improve it for next year. Your comments are welcome and if you have any suggestions for future Christmas Fair activities or indeed any fundraising activities these can be passed on to our Chair j.upton@cromptonhouse.org

Spring Ball: The invitations and reservation forms for our Annual Spring Ball have been sent out to parents via Parentmail and we have already sold 11 out of 18 tables, which is fantastic news! For a taste of what’s in store at this years ball, visit our Spring Ball page to check out what we have planned for this years ball or browse through last year’s photo gallery. It is a night not to be missed especially as the Ball celebrates its 10th anniversary and will be held at the White Hart Inn on Saturday the 27th February 2016. This year’s theme is ‘Putting on the Glitz”. If you have any questions about the ball, please contact me on s.lawrence@cromptonhouse.org

To be the first to get up to the moment news on school life why not subscribe to our school blog.  Subscribing is easy, just add your email address in the box on the right hand side of this article and hit subscribe.

To see the minutes of our meetings and Accounts, please visit PTFA page.

Please keep supporting all your PTFA events; it makes a huge difference to our children’s learning experience.

On behalf of the PTFA, I would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

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