
PTFA News – March 2016

The School’s wish list is as follows:P1010181

A new science laboratory, a laser cutter for the DT department, new chairs for the Year 10 Common Room, new tables for the hall.

‘Putting on the Glitz Spring Ball

We had a fantastic night and managed to raise £3,365. Please go to the PTFA section on the website to check out the photo gallery, the winners of the night and the acknowledgements.

Thank you for your support.

500 Club Draw

Congratulations to this month’s winners:

1st Prize – Lottery number 481 – Janet Fitton (Brandon – COCRO -10)

2nd Prize – Lottery 33 – David Gleeson (Ben – COAGU – 9)

3rd Prize – Lottery 229 – Catherine Higson (Johnny – CRDLE – 10)

The cheques are in the post.

We only have 340 members out of a potential 1,300 and yet we were able to donate £2,800 to the PTFA last year, imagine how much more of a difference we could make to the children if more people joined, plus the prize money would go up.

If you know anyone who wishes to join, please download a form on the website from the PTFA page. To see previous winners and all our contributions, go to our website cromptonhouse.org.


  • The PTFA agreed to purchase 15 new keyboards for the Music Department and some 90th anniversary Headteacher’s Awards.
  • Plant Sale order forms should be available to download soon.
  • The Summer Fair is going to be held on the 18th June from 11 til 2; it is the school’s 90th anniversary this year and we are hoping to celebrate it in parallel with the Queen’s birthday celebrations. It is going to be a Garden Party with some good attractions. If you have any ideas, please contact j.young@cromptonhouse.org

A great way to keep in touch with what is going on in school is by subscribing to our blogs, all you need to do is to log onto our website, then select News & Events menu where you will be asked to subscribe to the CHS blog via e-mail. You can unsubscribe at any time.

To consult our minutes and Accounts, please go to the website on the PTFA pages.

Please keep supporting all your PTFA events; it makes a huge difference to our children’s learning experience.



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