
Remembrance November 2015

The theme for this week has been Remembrance. On Sunday our Head Boy and Head Girl laid a wreath in Shaw for the sixteen Crompton House pupils who died in World War 2.

Also on Sunday our pupils on the Music & French trip to Paris visited the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at l’Arc de Triomphe.

On 11th November our assemblies continued the theme with a powerful presentation by Mrs Robinson of the History Department with a focus on the underage soldiers of World War 1. Five of our pupils read extracts about soldiers who could have been of the same age as them.

At 11.00 am the school stood in silence as our trumpeters played the last post at different locations around the school. The standard of playing was excellent. One of our pupils was invited to play the last post at another Oldham secondary school.

In Art many of our younger pupils made ceramic poppies which the Art Department put together as a brilliant display at the entrance to the school.

Some pupils have placed their poppies on the lectern in the hall, which is our memorial and has the names of the sixteen men who died fighting for their country.

It was a day to remember.

Head Boy Jack and Head Girl Lizzie laying the wreath at Shaw War Memorial

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