
School Games Gold Award



In the last week of the Autumn Term Crompton House School was presented with the Sainsbury’s School Games Gold Award by international inline skater Jenna Downing.  This was a very well deserved accolade for the school’s PE Department and recognises the high levels participation and success in a wide variety of sports played at school including athletics, badminton, basketball, climbing, cricket, cross-country, football, golf, handball, hockey, netball, rounders, rugby, skiing, swimming, table tennis, tennis, trampolining, volleyball, water-polo. Many of our pupils also participate in other sports outside school including canoeing, cycling, equestrian, sailing, trec, triathlon, wind-surfing and many more.

At the presentation Jenna Downing gave a brilliant motivational talk about her sport, and how it had changed her life. In addition to her international sporting career she achieved a degree in Law at Sheffield University. A fantastic role model for our pupils. The pictures show pupils Rob & Amelia, who collected the award, with Jenna Dowling and Mrs Ashton-Smith of the PE Department.

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