
Charity Speech Night: A Stunning Display by Our Year 7s

On the 26th January our Year 7s took to the stage for a charity speech night. Students worked together in groups in the hopes of winning a donation for their chosen charity. We had some amazing performances from our youngest members of the school who showed great determination, resilience, and confidence as they stood in front of a hall filled with staff and parents and carers still performing to the highest of standards.   Well done to everyone who took part, especially the following winners who each won a £50 donation for their charities:  
  • Best introducer – Benjamin H (Feed Manchester)
  • Best main speakers – Erin K & Jaymee C (WWF)
  • Best concluders – Daniel S (Juvenille Diabetes Research Fund)
  • Overall best group – Erin K & Jaymee C, Ellie C, Lucy G (WWF)
  • Best Teamwork – Robert M, Samuel C, Oliver S (Manchester Children’s Hospital)
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