
The Last Weeks Of The Autumn Term


PTFA Christmas Fair

Christmas celebrations started early in December with the annual PTFA Christmas Fair. Many parents and staff helped on the day, and hundreds of pupils and their families came into to hear the choirs and swing band, visit Father Christmas, enjoy the festive food and drink, and stock up on gifts and decorations. Including the prize draw and sale of puddings, we raised about £3,000 for the school. The PTFA have worked really hard throughout the term providing refreshments for Parents Evenings and other school functions.  The last PTFA meeting of the term was a celebration of Mr Upton’s 21 years with the PTFA. A number of past members of the group came and enjoyed a lovely buffet prepared by governor and PTFA member, Mrs Lawrence. Mr Newell spoke of Mr Upton’s service to the school and presented him with a cheque which Mr Upton is giving to the fund to buy a replacement piano for the school hall. With chair, Mr Upton, retiring the PTFA will be led from January by the school Business Manager Mrs Young and Deputy Head Mr Holt.

Christmas Card Competition

Many congratulations to all our budding artists who took part in our 2017 Christmas Card Competition. The card chosen to be our official card was by Alysha of Year 11. Emily (Year 10) was the runner-up, and Lydia of Year 8 came third. Joey, Oscar and Harry from Year 7 were all Highly Commended for their art work. Many thanks to Mrs Whittaker for organising the competition.

Christmas Jumper Day

The sixth form and staff raised £120 for Save The Children by wearing their festive jumpers on Christmas Dinner Day. The Senior Leadership Team also took over the serving area and served the pupils with their dinner. The food, cooked by the school’s catering team was delicious. The sixth form also organised a cake sale for Save The Children.

Christmas Music

For news and pictures of our musicians at Christmas please view the “Autumn & Christmas Music” blog on the website home page.

Christmas Communions

The Autumn Term finished with the traditional end of term communion services. The services were led by Rev Tony Ford of St Mary’s Balderstone, with prayers by Mr Holt, and readings by Mr Newell, Mr Upton, Stephen Oldfield, Dominie Smith-Scott and Niamh Campbell-O’Donnell. The music was provided by the school Communion Orchestra and Choir.

At the end of the service Mr Newell spoke about Mr Upton’s retirement and a recording was played of the school choir singing a version of the school hymn based on Mr Upton written by Lauren Brierley and Olivia Crick of Year 11 with Mr Pacey. Mr Upton spoke of his twenty-one years at Crompton House, thanking Mr Newell, the school staff and pupils for making his time here so rewarding.

Rewards Assembly

Following the communions the school assembled in the Sports Hall for the Rewards Assembly organised by Mr Dunkley, Mr Raynerd, Mr Taylor, Mr Smith and Miss Watson. Awards were presented for categories including  attendance, Vivos, and sporting achievements. The morning finished with the staff who were leaving walking the length of the Sports Hall to applause and cheering.

Staff Weddings

Many congratulations to three of our staff who got married over the  Christmas holiday. Mrs Howarth, Head of Sixth Form married Mr MacFarlane, ICT Network Manager. Mrs Howarth will now be known as Mrs MacFarlane. Mrs Stewart, Finance Office Manager, also got married in the holiday and is now Mrs Clark.

Staff Leavers

Christmas also saw four other teachers moving on to pastures new. Mrs Franklin, who has taught HE & Food for ten years, is taking a break from teaching, but will be continuing her hard work running the Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. Managing the award, arranging the logistics and ensuring the pupils’ safety on the hills, and during her time the number of students completing gold has increased each year.

Dr. Knight is leaving the Science Department after ten years as an enthusiastic biology teacher. She has a new post teaching biology at Clarendon College in Ashton-under-Lyne. Dr Knight has been instrumental in starting the small animal handling visits, getting pupils and teachers to conquer their fears of snakes and cockroaches!

Miss Skelton started at Crompton House in 2010 as a newly qualified teacher and is leaving as Head of Religious Education. During her time here she has been instrumental in helping pupils achieve some of the best exam results in the school. She has also run the New Generation group, and taken many trips to Taize in France. Miss Skelton is taking up a post in the Manchester Pupil Referral Unit.

Also leaving were Mr Welch, who has taught Maths at Crompton House for a year, and Mr Urmston (History) and Miss Lyon (RS) who have been with us for the Autumn Term.

We wish Mr Upton, Mrs Franklin, Dr Knight, Miss Skelton, Mr Welch, Mr Urmston and Miss Lyon all the very best in the next stage of their careers and lives.

A Message from Mr Upton

I would like to thank all the staff, pupils, parents and governors who have sent best wishes and gifts to me on my retirement. I would also like to thank everyone who donated a total of £400 to the fund set up for the replacement of the school hall piano. This now stands at over £2,100 which includes ticket money, raffle and donations from the Christmas concert.

I shall treasure the Book of Best Wishes which Mr Newell presented to me and also the rewriting of the school hymn by two Year 11 pupils. But most of all I shall enjoy the memories of all my years in teaching, both at Crompton House and at the Roan School in South London.

I would like to particularly thank the staff who have taught my children Thomas and Freya and given the best start to their adult lives that we could have wished for. Also I would like to put on record my thanks to my wife Erica who has supported me in all I that I have done while at Crompton House.

I wish everyone at the school every success and I know Mr Newell will lead the school into the future with care and determination.

I shall still keep in touch with the school and I looking forward to seeing the shows and concerts, as well as singing with the Chapel Choir in Rome in the summer.  Best wishes to you all.  Jim Upton

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