
Year 7 Girls’ Choir to play @Mrs Sunderland Festival

We have entered the Year 7 girls’ choir for the Mrs Sunderland Festival held annually in Huddersfield. Some year 8 girls have been also been asked to join on this occasion. The performance date for the band will be Friday 27th February at 4pm. We will leave school at 2:30 and expect to be back around 5:45 We have a rehearsal at lunchtime on the day and attendance is vital. Students should wear full smart uniform and bring a packed tea. Girls are asked to wear tights rather than socks on stage. We are organising subsidised transport to Huddersfield Town Hall which will cost £4 per student. This is a wonderful opportunity for our students to play for an audience and receive feedback from a respected professional.

Update – event photos added. The Year 7 girls choir came second in the event – well done!


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