
Year 11 Trip to Corpus Christi College, Oxford University 2016

Oxford University Trip to Corpus Christi College – 1st November 2016.

Written by Connie Rigby Year 11. 

An early start was a strain for some of us, still we managed it. The coach ride there was one filled with revision, catching up on sleep and general early morning grogginess. We stopped off at M6 services and had McDonald’s breakfast – a rare occasion as most of us cannot bear waking up before it finishes at 10:30.

In the college we were greeted by the lovely Brendan, who is the Outreach Officer for Corpus Christi College. He supervised our visit throughout the day and started by talking to us about the university – from why you may go to university to the ultimate Cambridge Vs. Oxford rivalry, he informed us well!  We were then lucky enough to receive a free lunch in the Corpus Christi dining hall, which is nearly five hundred years old. Amongst us eating were many of the students of the college.

After lunch we had a tour around the college with a current student. This was informative and really useful in terms of ‘seeing how it feels’. In this tour we visited the library and the chapel, historical and grand are words that spring to mind.

Then we received a tour around a second college; Lincoln College.  I was personally toured by a student called Ben who seemed a hit with the group of CHS students. He really gave us a useful insight into University life because the group was intimate enough for us to ask lots of questions. In this tour we saw the beautiful ivy inside the college and the modernised building used for formal events.

Whilst waiting for the coach to arrive we had lots of group photographs with a lot of Japanese tourists, thinking we were famous!

Now we are all dozing off into our revision guides on the way back. This truly has been a useful and insightful trip and I think it has enlightened all of us who took part to life at a top University.

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