
Year 13 Leavers Occasions

Our Year 13 students enjoyed a series of leaving events this term, starting with a Leavers Assembly, when Mr Newell and Mr Upton recounted the highlights of the pupils’ time at Crompton House. This included a presentation of the Rotary Awards to 4 of our students by Mr Andy Czakow, of the Rotary Club of Crompton and Royton for service to the community. In the  Crompton House tradition the Year 13 were clapped out of the assembly by the rest of the school,  accompanied appropriately by the theme from “Friends”.

This was followed by their Valedictory Service which featured prayers, hymns and readings by the students, with music by the very talented pianist Wilson Chung. A very tearful occasion for many of the students.

After their A Level exams, and for the Physics students it was just a few hours after their last exam, the vast majority of the students assembled at Manchester’s Midland Hotel for their Leavers Prom. As the photos show, everyone looked fantastic, and it was a very enjoyable evening for students and staff alike. Many thanks to parent Peter Fitchett for many of the photos at the Midland Hotel.

At all three events the students were fantastic, and I’m sure that the friendships that have been made over the last two years, or longer, will last for a very long time.

The school’s best wishes go to all the students, and we hope that when they return for their results on Thursday 17th August they will have another very happy day!


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