
Year 8 Manchester Airport Computing Trip September 2016

Crompton House School’s Computer Science department ran a trip to Manchester Airport Terminal 2, to learn about the vast range of information systems and the Runway Visitors Park, to discover the wealth of job opportunities that are available at Manchester Airport. The airport employs over 22,000 staff in the northwest and the students got learn about the range of jobs first hand.  All the students in Year 8, an impressive 224 got to enjoy the trip over two days. Due to the sheer numbers each day, the coaches were sent to two locations and then swapped mid-day. We had a great team of staff and parent volunteers who made the day possible.

“Once the students were back in school, the trip has been incorporated into their Computer Science lessons by learning about how the baggage handling system is computerised and why this has increased efficiency and safety in the airport for us all.” Mrs Rasool, Head of Computer Science.

Student comments

The trip was very educational and fun we watched a short clip on the history of the old Monarch DC-10 plane which we were sat on, and we also learnt about all the jobs opportunities at the airport, such as Policing, Firefighting, Flight Attendance, Pilots, Baggage Handler and even Marshalling.  We also saw the epic Concorde and it was very interesting to learn about this supersonic plane, I could have listened to the facts all day long to be honest.  Also we loved watching the Emirates Airbus A-380 land in Manchester, it was so near you could feel the combustion of the fuel from the engines. It was just a great day!! Oliver Barlow & Joshua Walker (both age 12)

It was amazing, I thought it was going to be boring, but I was wrong. When we got there we went and dressed up to learn about all the jobs, then we went in the flight deck and pressed all the buttons it was fun. We watched an Emirates Airbus A-380, it’s the world’s largest passenger airliner land, and it made all the other planes look tiny. After lunch we had a tour around terminal two and our guides told us about all the computer systems that were around us. I recommend you to go, you won’t regret it. Poppy Millington (age 12)

“Computer Science is a new and important part of the school curriculum. Visiting Manchester Airport helps the pupils experience a large variety of systems in one place. The pupils are now using the visit as a focus for their work in the classroom. School trips are an important part of school life. Already this term we have had Geography visits to Derbyshire, History trips Quarry Bank Mill,  a drama trip to Bolton Octagon, and a cultural exchange with students from Sweden. Later this term our school visits  include an Art & Spanish trip to Madrid, a Biology trip to Malham Tarn and a variety of Drama and Social Science trips. They help bring learning to life.” Mr Upton, Senior Deputy Head

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