
Year 9 Future Scholar Awards 2015

Five Year 9 pupils attended a conference at the University of York on 20th May 2015. The 5 pupils (Kate Emmott, Josh McCracken, Mathew Stefek, Daniel Ashton, Isabel Larder) were accompanied by Mr Douglas and we tried to be as eco-friendly as possible by using public transport – metrolink – train- bus, in order to get to the university.

This is a new government scheme to entice Year 9 students to think about University. Students were given a talk about Russell Group Universities and the entry criteria for these prestigious universities. Still in the lecture theatre, students were then given a lecture on Social Policy, a new topic to most students. A tour of the university by student ambassadors then followed, then a free lunch in the students’ union.

After lunch students had a Chemistry Lesson in the university laboratories, where students measured the reaction rates of various chemicals.

Students received a certificate of attendance and lots of other goodies from the university and on the train journey home students were asked to think of their future career paths. All in all – a very informative day!


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