
GCSE Results Day 2019

The students of Crompton House School received their GCSE results on Thursday 22nd of August 2019 and it was another excellent set of grades with the students’ attainment being well above the national average.  18% of all results were at grades 7-9, 56% of all results were at grades 5-9 and 76% of results were at grades 4-9.  70 top grade 9s were awarded to Crompton House students this year.

Mr Karl Newell, Headteacher said, ‘I am very pleased to congratulate our Year 11 students for their excellent GCSE results. I am particularly pleased that we have a good number of grade nines and eights.  We are looking forward to seeing many of our students return to Crompton House Sixth Form in September and to hearing how others have been successful in gaining places on various college courses.’

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