
SIAS Report

From 2013 SIAS has changed title to SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools)

The Manchester Diocese statutory Inspection of Crompton House as a Church of England school (28-29 June 2017) concluded that: 

“The distinctiveness and effectiveness of Crompton House as a Church of England school are good.” 

The strengths of the school are:

    •  The school’s Christian ethos permeates every aspect of school life. It moulds relationships and contributes to excellent behaviour.


“The school’s ethos of ‘loving God, caring for each other, achieving excellence’ is well established, owned and lived by the whole school community.” 


    • The Headteacher and senior leaders live out the Christian vision for the school and are committed to nurturing the Christian ethos.


    • “Collective worship has an important role within school life. Occasions for whole school worship, in particular the communion services, are specially valued by staff and students.”
    • Religious education (RE) contributes effectively to pupils’ personal development and understanding of a diversity of views. RE is well led by a very committed and capable head of department.

“Almost all students take GCSE RE and make excellent progress in Key Stage 4. RE GCSE progress and achievement are above the national average and results among the highest in the school. “

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