
World Book Day 2016

Thursday 3rd March was World Book Day, everywhere, including Crompton House.  The day started with an assembly by the Sixth Form English Prefects, Emily, Christine, Aman and Rachael with the help of Long John Silver (Mr Pacey). During this all pupils were set a challenge of reading a modern and a classic book at some point during the year and then writing a review of the book for the English Reading Blog on  http:/cromptonhousereaders.wordpress.com/    The books can be seen on the gallery above.

All the Year 7 pupils attended this assembly with many of them in a costume of a character from their favourite book. As well as a photo outside the school, some of the pupils had their picture taken for the Oldham Chronicle.  All money raised has been donated to Book Aid, the official charity of World Book Day. Many staff also took part in the dressing up as can be seen from the photos above.  During the week, pupils took part in a number of book based activities including book day blind date, the bumper book quiz and the teacher book challenge.  There was also an ‘encouraging reading’ parents’ information meeting.

It was a wonderful week and we plan to make it even bigger and better next year!

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