

Year 7 Pantomime Trip

  As part of the school’s commitment to trips, over 200 Year 7 pupils visited Oldham Coliseum to see their traditional pantomime, Dick Whittington. It was a great experience for the pupils with 2 hours of fun-packed song and dance. During the second act the school got a “shout-out” from Fine Time Fontayne with a special

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World Book Day 2016

Thursday 3rd March was World Book Day, everywhere, including Crompton House.  The day started with an assembly by the Sixth Form English Prefects, Emily, Christine, Aman and Rachael with the help of Long John Silver (Mr Pacey). During this all pupils were set a challenge of reading a modern and a classic book at some

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Crompton House Readers – Summer Book Review Competition

Want to win a prize?                                     Write an impressive book review to win! The best reviews in each year group will win book vouchers Post here: http://cromptonhousereaders.wordpress.com/  Are you stuck for a book?  Try the book sorter hyperlinked below. http://summerreadingchallenge.org.uk/book-sorter                                                                

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To Hull and back

On June 24th 2015 me and my fellow English combined students, along with Ms Ridings and Miss Pearson, went on a trip to Hull to take the Philip Larkin Trail.  Larkin is a British poet who spent much of his adult life in Hull working as a librarian in the University  library and writing his famous

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