
Year 7 Pantomime Trip


As part of the school’s commitment to trips, over 200 Year 7 pupils visited Oldham Coliseum to see their traditional pantomime, Dick Whittington. It was a great experience for the pupils with 2 hours of fun-packed song and dance. During the second act the school got a “shout-out” from Fine Time Fontayne with a special mention for Mr Upton. The cast of 8 actors and 8 dancers put on a fantastic show, which was, for some pupils, their first experience of live theatre. Many thanks to Mrs Kan who organised the trip and the teachers who accompanied the pupils.

Emily and Leah from Year 8 are taking part in Dick Whittington in the dance chorus. They have been rehearsing since October and now have performances through to January. Both Emily and Leah are keen dancers from Dimensions Dance School and are on their second season of Coliseum pantos.

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